Following an investigation by Slidstvo.Info, the National Agency on Corruption Prevention reported that it had been monitoring and controlling the implementation of the law on prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest in the activities of Brovary city mayor Igor Sapozhko. As a result, an administrative offense protocol was drawn up regarding the official.

Earlier, the agency’s journalists found out that Maryna Sapozhko, the wife of the mayor of Brovary, rents a luxury car Range Rover Sport made in 2023 for UAH 10,000 per month. The market price for renting such a car, as the journalists found out, should be UAH 90-130,000 per month. The company that leases the car regularly wins tenders from Brovary City Council. Her husband, Ihor Sapozhko, also uses the car.

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After the publication of the material, Slidstvo.Info sent a request to the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. In response, the NAPC reported that Ihor Sapozhko had violated the restrictions of Article 23(1)(1) of the Law on receiving a gift for his close person, his wife, Maryna Sapozhko, in connection with his activities related to the performance of state or local government functions.

After that, the NACP drew up a report against the Brovary official for committing an administrative offence under Article 172-5 (1) of the Code of Ukraine (Violation of statutory restrictions on receiving gifts) on administrative offences, which was sent to the Brovary City District Court of Kyiv Region.

In addition, the National Agency reported that during the inspection, law enforcement officers investigated a possible conflict of interest in the actions of Ihor Sapozhko in the course of procurement and conclusion of contracts with Ukrhefest, which leases a luxury car Range Rover Sport 2023 to his wife, Maryna Sapozhko, for UAH 10,000.

“The measures taken during the monitoring did not reveal any violations of the requirements of Article 28 of the Law on Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts of Interest,” the NACP states. 

The NACP also reported that the monitoring of Ihor Sapozhko’s lifestyle is ongoing. Law enforcement officers want to establish whether the official’s standard of living is commensurate with the property he and his family members have and the income they receive.

“The said report (investigation by Slidstvo.Info — ed.) has been attached to the materials of monitoring of Sapozhko’s lifestyle, the circumstances set out in it will be taken into account during the lifestyle monitoring,” the NACP said in response to a journalist’s request.

READ ALSO: For Officials Only: How a Brovary Company Rents Out Expensive Cars for Pennies